Friday, July 3, 2009

Robo comp at Pengkalan Hulu(Living Dead)Part 1

Oh well,it has been indeed quite awhile since i've blogged.Forgive me because lately i've been doing a lot of sleeping and no studying at all.Currently still waiting to watch Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen tomorrow and still PATIENTLY waiting for my Marshall amp.I'm going to explode with anxiousness man.Oh yeah btw,last month on the 28th and 29th,SMK Anderson's roboteams went to compete at the NRIC(National Robotics International Comp)at Pengkalan Hulu.Our umm not to say first impression more like first expression was that it was going to be an extremely outskirt,outlandish and totally unmodernised place.Apparently we were wrong.It was much worse.I told Puvi that the best thing there would be a cyber-cafe and I didn't expect one.Hahha.I was wrong.It must be the local haunt for youngsters.Pity them so lifeless.hahaha.Sorry PH(Penagkalan Hulu)people,I can't resist it and I wonder how you guys survive.Oh yeah.We went to school at like 5 in the morning.My mom fetched Abel and his parents.When we reached there,only Leong was there.Bascially everyone was still yawning so yeah.Waited untul everyone arrived then we loaded all the stuff into the bus and started to head out.I sat at the back with Puvi.The stupid bus driver sat at the back and slept there like a dumb fuck.The road was damn dark.Azrul practically bought the whole Jusco snack avenue's contents so we started munching on whatever he had.Oreos,peanuts and kuaci.Hahhaa.We had fun throwing them at sleeping asrama boys.Awesome man.They sleep like logs.Dumb fucks.Anyway we stopped at some Masjid Jame for them to pray and then continued the journey.10 minutes later stopped at some mamak ship.It had a freaking 40 inch LCD Tv.WTF?Hahaha.Even decent mamak shops in Ipoh doesn't have those so I started changing my perceptions towards this place.Sadly they have a freaking school only made up of like 100 people and they all fag and don't wear helmets.No wonder the death rate is so high especially in the outskirt areas.Too much smoking and riding without helmets.Then we went on our journey again.The damn bus driver was already complaining about how we 'lengthened' our breakfast.Come on la asshole,we sleep around 12 and wake up at 3 in the morning and we can't even eat breakfast in peace for 20 minutes?Sigh.Pathetic dickhead.Then we eventually reached the school where it is held.Before reaching it the bus had to take a 60 degree climbing slope so the bus was struggling to move with all of us sitting inside it.haha.Then we reached,registered and hung around.Azrul so smartly showed off his 'special' finger to one of the ushering dudes.MWUAHAHA.He got lectured by us.When we dropped off the asrama guys who would be competing,the bus driver was supposed to send us back to Grik*it's not Greek,okay people?* Apparently he was throwing a tantrum and didn't want to send us.Motherfucker started cursing in Canto.He even said 'sohai' to Abel's mum.How uncivilized.He was busy ranting and laughing bout how early he had to get up,how hard it was to drive up the hill,how tired he was,how fucking fat he is and how he wasn't going to send us.The best part was we thought about going to confront him but when we arrived,before we even said a word he started blaberring.Hahaha.Perasan case dumbarse.Okay enough of that idiot.No point talking so much and glorifying that fuckface.Forgive the vulgarity.Sorry people.After that Abel's mum found out that some van dude could send us to the duty free place just outside Thailand's border.WOW.The immigration and customs are so lax.Just like crossing over a piece of rubbish and you're already on the other side.As simple as crossing over a line but at that time they were having H1AN1 cases so that place had it's own quarantine center.Reached the place.It was so TINY!Gosh.The alcohol and fag there was superrr cheap and and and chocolates too.Wanted to buy the beer but before staying there for 72 hours we would be charged 100% tax.WTF.I rather just drink it all up there.Wanted to buy but later if they charged me then what's the point of visiting a duty free complex right?If it could be called a complex.So yeah.Some people also bought condoms.I wonder whooo.*winks.Heeeheeee.Ask me no questions and i'll tell you no lies.After that we went and ate at some chinese shop which also had a 40 inch LCD Tv.Oh my god these people are rich.The roads are a killer man.You can walk blindfolded and take your sweet time yet you'll live to an extremely ripe age unlike in Ipoh.The drivers aren't the courteous,don't misinterpret me but the roads are so freaking empty.Like I said,a Dead town.Lucnh was awesome.Chicken rice with superb soy sauce and a huge serving.Larger than what you'll get get in Ipoh for sure but it isn't that good though.Paid and headed back after Leong got some meds from the pharmacy.Van dude drove us back to the comp area.All our teams got screwed and lost.So now we're the sole hope of Anderson's roboteams.Oh Yay.We still felt like screwing the bus driver till he died.DIE.SUFFER AND DIE.Oh yeah.heeheee.Sadist I am.This is the end of part one and a super ridiculously long post with quite some vulgar words.Sorry people.It was nescessary.And today was Report Card Day.It was okay :)
I survived.Nights people.Read the part two which is coming soooon.I miss you.

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