Thursday, June 4, 2009

Movie day pimped with baby stickers.XP

Woke up at 9.Didn't have breakfast.I went and cut the grass for my lawn.ummm.I mowed the lawn.Don't know how to spell.The machine was vibrating like crazy so my hands were like Uber numb after I was done.I have this golden retriever mixed labrador breed dog at home,it's a she.Her name is Glory.Don't ask me how I got the name.She's like my floormat.So warm and furry.Hahaha.Oh yeah.She doesn't crap when the grass is too long.WTH right?So whenever she doesn't crap or craps nearer to the pavement,it means lawn mowing time.So I get out everything and mow the lawn.What a dog.I wish I could like not study and my mom would give me some cash so I would study again.*It's never gonna happen.*I better stop dreaming.Yeah okay.My dog is like that.Anyone with a similar case or is mine just too 'special' or pampered?Aaaah.

Later had curry noodles with lotsa fishcake and stuff.YUM-YUM.My mom actually calls that guy,Uncle Noodle.His real name is Mr.Wong though.LOL.Great job mom.Yeah,we've been eating his noodles since my mom and my aunt started a kindie last time.It's like more than 5-8 years?Talk about loyal customers.So I usually get large servings from him.Wheee.Glutton,I am.Hahaha.Yeah after that bathed and got ready to go out with Az for a movie.Everyone couldn't come out.So yeah.See see when we got there around like 1 something and went to the ticket booth upstairs,suddenly someone shouts my name and cling on to my arm.I was like what the.Haha.It was Elaine,talk bout little kiddies man.And yeah there was this other girl there too.Marleis was her name.Mmmm.Yeah so got the tickets for Night at The Museum 2.This is the second time i'm watching it though.After that just went to eat at McD's since the two kiddos were hungry and craving for McD's.When we got there,it seems they were out of gas.Hahah.And the ONLY dish they had was porridge.I mean who eats porridge in the afternoon.And who runs out of GAS?Especially a fast food outlet.Talk bout crap.Then I suggested we take a cab to McD's drive-thru.She said it was too hot?Haha.What theeee.So we went to that umm Food and Tea i think?Saw Roshan and his clique there.Sat down.Guess WHAT?The waitress told us that they were out of gas too.What a coincidence.Is the whole freaking JJ having some gas shortage?So we sat down there and crapped.Azrul's phone got pimped with little kiddie stickers.I laughed like hell.Marleis thought that was my phone.BWUAHAHA.Azrul oh Azrul.If I knew what was to come,I wouldn't have mocked him so much but thinking of the future isn't really my thing so I had a good laugh.Went up and ordered popcorn and drinks.The drinks froze our hands.Azrul and me were like shivering.Hahaha.Hands shaking and stuff.Had to wait till everyone entered cause those little kids were afraid they'll lose us if we entered with the crowd.Oh my.Babysitters are we?Then then then went to the theater.Sat down and crap.Then Marleis was like urhm.That's your phone rightt?And I said no.She asked where my phone was.I showed her and laughed.They said they'll do up my phone when they get the stickers.I foolishly said I was ready?WHY did I say so.And they said they were gonna get them after that.Oh SWT.I still found the movie funny though I watched it already.After that went to Secret Recipe for lunch.Elaine went and get more stickers from MPH.And my phone ended up adorned with kiddie stickers.The end results are as shown below.

From bottom:Ivan,Elaine,Marleis,Azrul's phones.

From left to right:Ivan,Elaine,Marleis,Azrul's phones.

Hahaha.Conclusion,we all got kiddie-fied.Oh yeah.They actually stuck one of those on each of our shirts.And we couldn't take them off or they would never talk to us again.Good job blackmailing us girls.You guys are EVIL.Heeeheee.After that paid up and went walking around.Went MPH and bought more kiddies stickers.LOL.For her little sis.Then ummm.Walked to bowling alley on the way then walked back.Saw crazy drivers taking fast turnings.What arseholes.So ignorant of the other users' safety.Walked around somemore till Azrul's mom came.Went back home and cycled around.Lepakked at Fair Mart field awhile.Then got back home.Damn tired.What a fulfilling day though.

SHE'S back.Oh wheeeee.So happy and hyper and high.She's most probably sleeping now.Mmmm.Nights people.Sweet dreams.

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