Today was crappy.Went to school while it was raining heavily in the morning.I had high hopes of having no main assembly.Hate the-more-hectic-than-usual morning assembly especially on Monday.I'm just not ready for so much irritating crap chucked in your face after having two peaceful days of 'natha' free weekend.I don't think anyone can actually take it anyway.We were on the way to duty and it started drizzling.Walked to the routine B block.Met Eric and he said off duty MAYBE.Went to my class and hung out there for a while.Lazy to duty la that time.Then suddenly was Puvi all walking back.I asked whether got and he said off-duty.I just went natha-crazy and shouted YEAH!Ooops.Forgive the over reaction but I had to okay?It was a Monday-assembly-free day.Woooo.That's like 500 bucks given to you by a super hot chick on a nice cloudy day :) OR OR a super refreshing ice lemonade given to you by Jessica Alba on a hot day.Mmmm.Nice.Had history paper 2 and moral paper today.I have this theory on moral papers.People with moral values normally flunk their moral and vice versa,people that don't normally have moral values or maybe just have very little :)pass with flying colours.I don't know why but sometimes it feels that way.I am not speaking for myself though my moral marks are usually low but i'm not saying this just to justify my low marks.Trust me!!The rest of the day was okay.
Oh yeah.Went cycling with Stephen later in the evening around 5.We were behind someone's house at a corner la.Near Dharmen's and Joses' house.Messing around.Freaking cops came and nearly busted us.Threatening with that psychology thing.Two dudes,one an elderly looking dude with moustache and the other was sporting retro looking shades with a super gangster attitude.On purpose.
Both of them got out of the patrol car.
P(Cop A,retro gangster dude.):Eh,umur berapa?IC mana.Baik keluar nanti saya bawa you pergi balai.
Stephen had IC.I didn't have.
Me:Takde la bang.
Q(Cop B,moustache guy):Eh apa abang abang?
Me:Oh sorry pak cik Ismail.[I was so darn blank so I read it off his nametag]
P:You mau tipu saya ya.*slams handcuff on the back of the car.Mahu saya angkut you balik ke balai?
Me:Sorry la bang.Umm,pak cik.Takde IC serious ni.He checked me.Only found phone and other stuff,no IC.Crap la.Why I wanna lie?
P:You tipu lagi.Tadi kata member punya.Bla bla bla.
Me:Okay pak cik,kita sudah mengaku.Tolonglaa.
Q:Tulis nama,IC,sekolah,alamat etc.Then P took pic of me with his phone.(I'm suprised he even knows how to use it)
Me and Stephen wrote.I wrote Pn.Chan's name as my guru class.Hahaha.WTH.He had his IC though but.Hahah.
P:PMR result macamane?
Me and Stephen:7 A.
P:You semua pandai.Janganlah buat perkara ni.Ini last warning.
Me and Stephen:Terima kasih pak cik.
This is the simplified version though.What an experience.Life is FUN.
Cycled away.God,my hand was shivering that time.Darn.Later we laughed our arses off when we recapped what happened.Went Dharmen's house and watched him jam as usual.It has been a long day.I'll take today as a reminder.Always bring IC and no cash when I go out.And never be in the wrong place at the wrong time.Good night people.Thank god i'm not in the balai.(I think he never intended to do that anyway :) but still,thank you god.Sweet dreams people.Modern Maths 2 and Bio 2 tomorrow.More writing,rest oh poor hands of mine.
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